Home / Products / Wood Slat Akupanel / Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall


Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall
Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall
Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall
Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall
Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall
Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall

Black Recycled Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall

  • Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall

  • MQ

Product Description

Product Introduction 

The Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall likewise offer outstanding acoustic execution. Express farewell to undesirable reverberations and resonations in your home or office space. Our boards successfully ingest sound waves, making a more adjusted and lovely listening experience.
Make an effort not to miss the important opportunity to change your space into an acoustic paradise.
acoustic wood slat panels


wooden slats interior

Product Advantage 

1.Material and Development: Made with prevalent quality MDF (Medium Thickness Fiberboard) and Polyester fiber, guaranteeing strength and life span.The base board is made from PET polyester, adding to the general strength and security of the board.

2.Adjustable Variety Choices: We comprehend that each inside plan is novel. That is the reason we offer various facade and felt variety varieties for our Acoustic and Improvement boards. You have the opportunity to pick the varieties that best suit your ideal tasteful. Furthermore, we can slice the boards to your ideal length, giving a fitted answer for your space.

3.Strict Estimating: Our broad assembling limit permits us to offer the best evaluating available. We influence our creation abilities to get better costs for provisions, providing you with the benefit of relative evaluating. You can believe that you are getting an excellent item at a cutthroat price tag.

4.Pick our handmade Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall to improve your space tastefully as well as add to a manageable future. Experience the greatness of our items, upheld by thorough quality control and cutthroat estimating.

decorative wood wall slats

modern slat wall

akupanel walnut

Product Applications 

Home Theaters: Vivid home auditorium encounters depend on magnificent sound quality. Akupanel can fundamentally work on sound quality and decrease reverberation, making a more vivid and true to life experience inside the solace of your own home.

   Workplaces: Open office spaces frequently experience the ill effects of high commotion levels, prompting interruptions and diminished efficiency. Akupanel can assist with relieving these issues by diminishing commotion levels and making a more engaged and useful workplace.

   Music Settings: Improve the acoustics of music scenes with Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall, giving a superior listening experience to the crowd. Whether it's a show corridor or a little music scene, Akupanel can assist with enhancing sound quality and guarantee that each note is heard with lucidity.

Experience the extraordinary force of Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall in different settings. Raise sound quality, lessen interruptions, and establish a more charming climate for all. Pick Akupanel for unrivaled acoustics in meeting rooms, recording studios, eateries, home theaters, workplaces, and music settings.

sound absorbing wood wall panels

wood slat panel wall

Product Operate Guide

Presenting Akupanel Acoustic Vertical Wood Slat Wall is a breeze, requiring two or three gadgets and irrelevant effort. This is the manner in which you can without a doubt mount Akupanel in your space:

   Fundamental Mounting: Akupanel is mounted on five level bars using dim screws. This immediate foundation process ensures a strong and stable association, guaranteeing persevering through execution.

   Carefulness: The secret walls are painted with a white top and dull base, making an obviously striking separation. Besides, the edges of entrances and windows are perfectly lit up with oak lines, adding a smidgen of intricacy to your space.

   Removable and Versatile: Akupanel is mounted on joists or wooden bars, taking into account straightforward ejection if vital. This component goes with Akupanel a fabulous choice for rental homes or spaces where painting, beautifying, or other very strong changes are not allowed.

acoustic timber panelling

acoustic wall panels wood

melamine slatwall

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